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Achievable Fitness For All

Founded in the UK in 1993, Mr.J's Fun Workouts has introduced literally thousands of people to the world of achievable fitness. Martin's philosophy is simple - fitness should not be daunting or scary and a friendly, informal, fun approach, taking into account the limited abilities of even the most unconditioned adult, is more likely to put those most fearful at ease and produce the most remarkable success stories. Fear and intimidation is one of the biggest factors that prevents many people from taking their first step to being fitter, healthier individuals. If the individual is cared for and allowed to work at a level which allows them to remain comfortable, they are far more likely to adhere to the programme. They will leave each session with a sense of achievement ...and once the individual sees results, they do not need to be pushed to improve further. They suddenly realise that they CAN do it and naturally progress under their own steam, out of wanting to become fitter and healthier than ever before.

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